Wear Sunscreen
Wearing sunscreen is one of the most important things you can do to slow the aging process of your skin. Try to make it a part of your daily routine like you would any other important task you do every day.
You want to look for an SPF of 30 or more and one that is broad--spectrum that protects against UVA and UVB rays. You’ll also want to reapply it every few hours to ensure continued protection.
For the best protection, look for ingredients like avobenzone, mexoryl, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide.
Avoid Tanning
Tanning can also lead to quite a few signs of aging and it’s often a mistake many young women make only to regret later. UV radiation can damage the skin and make you look much older than you are.
The sun can lead to skin discoloration and damage to elastin and collagen which can lead to sagging skin. Avoiding tanning can ensure your skin looks as youthful as possible. And if you want a tan appearance, try spray or lotion tanners instead.
Wear Sunglasses
Sunglasses not only protect your eyes from the sun but also the skin around your eyes as well. By wearing sunglasses consistently, you can decrease the number of wrinkles around your eyes as well as sun damage.Wear Protective Clothing
Wearing protective clothing like visors, hats, and UPF-rated clothing can also help protect your skin against premature aging. It’s a smart move for your health as well as a good practice for anti-aging.Avoid Smoking
Smoking is a bad habit for all kinds of reasons. It can severely affect your health, but it can also make you look much older than you are. It can speed up the breakdown of collagen and constrict blood vessels that provide nutrients to the skin. By smoking, you can bring on wrinkles early. Quitting smoking or not starting to begin with can ensure you look much younger than you are.Avoid Excessive Alcohol Use
Occasionally having a drink or two is completely fine, but drinking excessively can cause early signs of aging. Alcohol can dehydrate the skin and dilate the blood vessels, making you look older. It can also cause broken blood vessels and rosacea which can make your skin red and uneven.Avoid Constant Dieting
Constant dieting, yo-yo dieting, and eating disorders can also negatively affect the whole body including the skin, hair, and nails. Eating disorders can be life-threatening and must be treated with professional help.
As for yo-yo dieting, it can cause you to repeatedly gain and lose weight and stretch the skin, causing it to sag later on. Staying at a healthy weight can reduce the chances of this issue.