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8 Causes Of Adult Acne - And How To Treat It

8 Causes Of Adult Acne - And How To Treat It

Adult acne can be extremely frustrating – especially if it feels like you’ve tried everything with no results. It may be helpful to take a step back and remember that you’re not alone. Acne is one of the most common skin concerns that adults experience, and in fact, some numbers suggest that nearly half of adults in the United States have some form of acne. While it’s easy to get caught up in trying solutions for anything that works, it can be a good idea to return to the basics and review what causes acne and what might be underlying your struggles. At Easy Health, we can help you explore the possible causes and create a targeted treatment that works. Here are eight of the most common causes of adult acne – and how you can find relief with your own personalized prescription treatment.

1. Hormone Fluctuations

Hormones are one of the biggest culprits of acne. Many people experience acne as a teenager for this reason – big spikes in hormone levels can cause the skin to break out, which is very common during puberty. However, many adults experience acne for the same reasons. For example, an increase in progesterone (typically after ovulation in the menstrual cycle) can increase sebum production in the skin, increasing congestion and causing breakouts. Additionally, it’s thought that testosterone may play a role in adult acne, too.

2. Stress

Similarly to hormone fluctuations, stress and high levels of cortisol may be responsible for acne. Cortisol is sometimes called the “stress hormone” and naturally helps regulate things like the digestive system, mood, and more. Although cortisol has many benefits for your body, too much cortisol over long periods of time can impact a variety of different bodily processes and increase breakouts.  

3. Pollution

Your environment can play a big role in your skin’s health and chances of experiencing breakouts. Although the relationship between pollution and acne isn’t well understood, it’s thought that things like UV radiation, air quality, and even dirt can clog your pores and cause acne – especially if you live in the city or places where air pollutants are more common.

4. Skincare Products

Skincare products are unfortunately not all made the same. Products that are too thick or designed for different types of skin can put you at risk of breakouts – and it can be especially frustrating if you don’t know which product it is! Make sure to read labels when purchasing new products and look for ones that say “oil-free” or “noncomedogenic.” These types of products tend to work well with acne-prone skin and won’t cause congestion.

5. Cleansing Too Much or Too Little

Acne-prone skin can be finicky. Cleansing is one of the most important steps in a daily regimen for those with acne, but cleansing too much or too little can work against you. Cleansing too much or using products that strip the skin can leave it dry, causing the skin to overcompensate by producing more sebum. Additionally, cleansing too little or using cleansers that don’t do a good enough job of removing oil can also leave your skin prone to breakouts.

6. Diet and Certain Foods

Food sensitivities and acne can be different for everyone. While some people with adult acne see improvement by cutting out foods like dairy, caffeine, chocolate, or greasy takeout, others don’t see any improvement. The truth is, evidence is still pretty inconclusive on whether acne can be improved with diet changes. That being said, if cutting out certain foods shows improvement, then make sure and collaborate with your regular physician or dietitian to make sure you can do it safely and effectively.

7. Health Conditions

Some health conditions can include adult acne as a symptom. Some of the most famous ones include PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome. Some medications can also cause breakouts, like androgens or corticosteroids. If you think your adult acne might be caused by a condition or medication, make sure to always check with your regular physician before making any changes.

8. Genetics

Genetics can play a big role in whether you get acne as an adult or not. The unfortunate truth is that some people are simply more predisposed to getting breakouts because of factors like pore size, sebum production, and more. This means that if a close family member has adult acne, the chances are likely that it’s a genetic trait.

Creating a Personalized Acne Regimen

It’s well-known that topical treatments are one of the most effective options available for acne, but prescription medications don’t always address your skin’s needs all at once. At Easy Health, our doctors will meet with you during a consultation to learn more about your symptoms and causes, then prescribe a personalized treatment that incorporates only the exact ingredients your skin needs for success. It’s even delivered right to your door on a subscription basis, so you don’t need to worry about trips to the pharmacy.

Schedule a Consultation

Interested in learning more about our acne products and the right treatments for your needs? Our doctors can help you develop a personalized, prescription regimen for clearer, acne-free skin. Shop our online catalog and get started on healthier skin today.
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